OG Frequently Asked Questions
The Orton-Gillingham Approach
Literacy is a right, not a privilege.
How Much Does It Cost?
Traditionally OG training can be costly – making it inaccessible to most educators and parents. RCF is committed to making OG training accessible to ALL educators so that ALL children are afforded the fundamental right to learn to read, write and spell. Training costs $350 per trainee (regardless of the course taken – Classroom Educator or Associate, current employment or status).
What Is Included?
The initial cost of $350 will continue to include class materials for the training, implementation support, access to all of RCF’s Monthly Teacher University Sessions, inclusion in RCF’s private Facebook page for OG trained teachers, inclusion on the RCF email list for advance notice of upcoming opportunities, events, training and more. This price also includes lunch for in person trainings.
Do you offer private trainings?
Yes, please read more about our private trainings on our General OG information.”
What is the cost for additional Implementation Support?
Schools or individuals who wish to receive additional observations will pay $50/video or virtual observation or $100/per person for in-person observations (and we will require that 5 or more teachers would be observed for an in-person observation request). Reach out to OG@reedcharitablefoundation.org for more information or personalized support.
How Do I Get Certified?
For more information about the Orton-Gillingham Approach and Certification, please visit the website of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators at www.ortonacademy.org
Do you offer practicum?
Yes. The Classroom Educator practicum consists of a minimum of 50 hours (OG lessons) with a small group over a minimum of 8 consecutive months. Throughout your 50 lessons, you will complete 5 observations with the Fellow. Following the completion of your practicum, a formal application will be submitted to the OGA. Each session is $200, and application fee at the end of practicum is $120. Total: $1,120
The Associate practicum consists of a minimum of100 hours (OG lessons) 1:1 over a minimum of 8 consecutive months. Throughout your 100 lessons, you will complete 10 observations with the Fellow. Following the completion of your practicum, a formal application will be submitted to the OGA.Each session is $200, and application fee at the end of practicum is $200. Total: $2,200
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